Sunday, 27 November 2011

Behind the scenes photoshoot at the beach

Caitlin invited me to a photoshoot with her awesome photographer family friend, I just took some random shots behind the scenes.

 exparimanting with black and white setting again

 My favorite shot

 I think this one is kinda neat
hehehe the end!

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Fast Food Fine Dining

 This photo is just so funny , i couldn't resist putting it up

Friday, 18 November 2011

My latest adventures

The Park with Kate/ Experimenting with my monochrome settings

The Brickworks/park/subway with Caitlin and Lara

 I love this, and i don't really know why ^
 This shot was Caitlins favorite
 We walked into some of those plants that burn when they touch your skin. Ouch
